Why offline digital libraries in Sub-Saharan African universities?


The Internet is still a luxury for many Africans because of the cost. When it comes to the education sector, there is an urgent need for quality education.

Cameroonian context

The number of Internet users in Cameroon reached 9.15 million people in January 2021 (+2.7 million people over one year), compared to 7.8 million in January 2020. This represents a penetration rate of 34%, compared to 30% in January 2020 and only 2% a decade ago.

Cameroon has a population of 27 million. The Internet coverage rate in Cameroon is 34%, or 9.15 million people have access to the Internet.

Compared to last year this rate was 30%. That is to say a growth rate of 4% (+2.7 million people in one year). This is one of the highest growth rates in Africa.

Logically, urban areas are the places that are most connected compared to rural areas.

However, in the education sector, free Wi-Fi on university campuses in Cameroon is expensive for administrations. 0% of campuses in Cameroon have unlimited free Wi-Fi for students. Students pay for internet packages via their smartphones to connect to their laptops and the price of effective packages for research is expensive for the majority of students.

EduAirbox solves this problem by transferring data from the internet to an intranet. This reduces the cost of the internet connection and increases the working time of the students for whom the research is now free.

The EduAirBox solves other major problems of physical libraries in the few educational institutions that have them:

The problem of deterioration of books
The problem of book theft
The problem of the maintenance budget of a physical library (staff, cleaning, electricity, space, real estate...)

This makes EduAirBox a less expensive endogenous solution with many long-term advantages.


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